Environmental Engineering

The Department of Environmental Engineering at Süleyman Demirel University was established in the educational year of 1993-1994, with first graduates in 1997. With a history of 27 years, engineering and science courses are offered by high quality academicians. The department offers Bachelor (BS), Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Environmental Engineering and Science degrees. The four-year curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering is open for national and international students and enables the graduates to enter professional practice as an engineer or to continue his or her studies in programs leading to advanced degrees in the following broad fields of specialization: water and wastewater engineering, air pollution control, solid and hazardous waste management, membrane processes, pollution prevention, hydraulics, and environmental fluid mechanics. The graduates of the BS curriculum may function in broad environmental engineering and science areas including planning and design, construction, research and development, operations and maintenance. The MS and PhD degrees are intended for incoming national and international students with a strong background in the sciences or engineering and prepares them for advanced education or careers in research, practice or management in the field of environmental engineering and science.