Philosophy and Religious Sciences

"Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences includes programmes on philosophy and religion, such as historical development of philosophical thought, the methods and rules for thinking correctly, the nature of religion, the relation between reason and revelation, the beginning of religions and diverse creeds, the outbreaks of religion in social and individual life, the history of religious education and ethics. This programmes provide students with academic study in philosophical concepts and religious studies by giving critical thinking & analytical reasoning skills. It aims to examine objectively from philosophical, historical and text critical viewpoints about psychology, sociology, and history in order to analyze and explore the essential character of the religious dimensions of life and to investigate themain questions about the nature of existence, reality, knowledge, God, ethics, building on the historical (e.g., ancient, medieval, modern) and cross-cultural foundations of these topics. This department consists of eight main departments: History of Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Logic, History of Religions, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion, and Religious Education."